The Battle of Dialetics, Ye 2024 on Alex Jones, and Spiritual Warfare
The power of confessing the name of Jesus Christ
Post 1945, the world as a whole has opted to avoid violence to the highest degree. Since the introduction of the nuclear bomb, physical escalation, especially between nations, is haunted by the threat of nuclear annihilation; thus, the global powers that be attempt to avoid that kind of escalation at all costs at all levels of society. The strong preference for a different form of battle has arisen in the realm of dialectics.
Of course, argumentation has always been around.
On a fundamental level, argumentation takes pre-eminence before physical battle and always has. The cost of warfare is high as it could lead to a physical being, human or animal or even plant, to death, so instead, signaling a warning or threat is the better, safer option. We see this in nature frequently where animals will try to make themselves look bigger or scarier to drive away another rival creature. We even have living creatures signaling their status with their color to denote themselves as venomous or poisonous, thus not to be messed with.
However, if you can't ward off your attacker in nature, you are even better off if your possible attacker doesn't even see you in the first place. Thus, you find animals with patterns that make them blend in to their natural environment. Can't have a life threatening interaction if the interaction never happens at all. From this we can see all mainline forms of battle. Listed from most preferable to least preferable with regards to “safety”:
1. Remain hidden such that one never engages in battle in the first place.
2. Engage in a battle of dialectics (speech) and gesture to signal strength, a warning or threat, to ward off your attacker.
3. Engage in physical battle.
The current ongoing culture war has highlighted all of these tactics with regards to speech. In fact, one could say that #2, the battle within dialectics, has its own form of the 3 main forms of battle. Inside the battle of dialectics, listed from most preferable to least preferable with regards to “safety” inside a discussion/debate/argument, one can:
a. Signal that a topic of discourse has already been decided thus needs no further exploration. Self-censorship would fall into this category—just don’t say the thing that would cause an argument (avoid highly memetically charged topics at all costs). Pretending that a topic doesn’t even truly exist also falls into this category. In essence: avoid the topic.
b. Signal that a topic is “dangerous” and should not be explored further. Hint at consequences for the one who begins to engage in discourse on a forbidden topic. Accuse the one who brought up the dangerous topic of being evil for even bringing it up in an attempt to shut down discourse. In essence: shut down discussion on the topic.
c. Engage in debate on the topic. There are many techniques to disengage with a topic once a debate has begun, but overall, the essence is that the dialectical war has begun.
These 3 steps, a. through c., can include a more extensive list of tactics, but see the ones listed as examples of the essence of these steps. These steps are key to understand the dialectics hell that we live under in the west today. The list of things that one cannot say has been growing since 1945, and it continues to expand rapidly. If you’re not already constantly self-censoring, then you’ve done well not to kowtow to the mores of today.
As those who have been paying attention know, there are a list of things that you cannot say or must self-censor to begin to say or must shout out warnings if you begin to say. The pitfalls abound, and one misstep will have you banned and excommunicated from postmodern secular society. Recently, Kanye “Ye” West fell into one of these pitfalls. As everyone in the west in the post 1945 world knows, for Hitler to be brought up, one must also be immediately denounced. If you began to get nervous when you read the name “Hitler,” then you are already familiar with the war of dialectics in this regard.
Right now, as someone who brought up the topic of Hitler, I am required to immediately denounce him and put distance between he and I to even continue the example that I am going to give. If I don’t immediately denounce, then I become suspected of being in alignment with Hitler. I can assure you that I do not align in any way with Hitler. If you are now calming down, becoming less anxious, then you will realize that by qualifying my discussion of a no-no topic (Adolf Hitler) by assuring you that I am not at all aligned with his thinking, that I just engaged in a. shown above. I have signaled that the topic of Hitler is already decided and that I align with the mainstream western worldview on the man (that he is evil and no further discussion is required). I have now avoided any pitfalls surrounding the uncomfortable topics surrounding that particular man.
If you were watching Kanye “Ye” West appear on Alex Jones recently, you will notice that it is well known that Kanye did not countersignal (instantly denounce) Hitler when given the opportunity by Alex Jones. Instead of denouncing, he even gave a statement that could be seen as supporting Hitler to some extent. I personally see it as him applying a sort of neutrality to the topic of Hitler rather than support; however, in the post 1945 west, Hitler is not a neutral topic and must be denounced in conversation to satisfy the social mores of our times. I’m not complaining that countersignaling exists or that there should not be some no-no topics (though a discussion should be had on what should be considered out-of-bounds), but I am simply pointing out how the dialetical battle persists in the west. I am informing the Christians that read this of what they are facing in the world if they are unawares.
For the Christian, you should understand the power of confession. As a Christian that is an off-shoot of a kind of protestant, I am not talking about confession as in what one does with a priest, though it falls under the category, but instead, I am talking about general act of confessing with your mouth to have hope and faith in Jesus Christ. Saying “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life” is a biblical confession that Christians make. It is announcing to the world how one lives his or her life. Signaling that you follow Jesus will get harder as these end times progress, and Jesus will become one of these no-no topics as the world that operates in wickedness becomes increasingly hostile to the truth and power of the name of Jesus. In general, confessing any truth will soon fall into the no-no category of western dialectics. Think of those who have been canceled for making true statements such as “trans women are not women” or “there is no such thing as a trans kid.”
The power of confession is to recognize that what you say truly does have power, especially as a Christian.
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
- Proverbs 18:21 KJV
The power of confession is what saves the follower of Christ from damnation.
“9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
- Romans 10:9-10 KJV
What you say decides the spiritual battles in your life. What you confess has the power to come to pass. Speaking death, faithlessness, hopelessness will inevitably lead to an outgrowth of death, suffering, and darkness in your life and in the lives of those that surround you. Speaking life, resurrrection power, the name of Jesus will inevitably lead to a multiplication of life, joy, and peace in your life and in the lives of those that surround you.
Spiritual Warfare on a personal, tribal, and national level is the dialectical battle to continue to confess biblical truth even when every force of hell is speaking against you. The Kingdom advances through every Christian’s power to confess the truth unwaveringly no matter the endless countersignaling, fact-checking, “settled-sciencing,” and persecution from the world we live in today.
Confessing the truth of Jesus Christ will inevitably lead you into battles that you would rather avoid in your flesh, but these battles have the power to sharpen you and strengthen you spiritually because they require you to continue to stand on the truth of Jesus Christ. Many have prophesied about walking the ancient pathways, the way of Kings, but few have yet to understand the power of the King’s decree is the power of confession. It is to speak in such a way to fundamentally reveal truth in every word spoken. It is to live out of truth and walk in truth. It is to see from a heavenly perspective and to prophesy the heart of God in every word spoken and in every action taken ALWAYS.
In the near future, I hope to write more on the topic of spiritual warfare and dialectics because there are many things that have infiltrated western Christian thinking that are anti-Christ in nature and have come in through dialectics. For example, many Christians uphold the techno-neo-pagan (this is what I call secular leftists) beliefs like “diversity, inclusion, and equality” even though these are not Christian values. If that statement caused you pause, then you have already fallen into the dialectic traps of the enemy. Basically, none of those concepts are found in the Bible in the way that the left means them. There are Christian ideas that can seemingly brush shoulders with those concepts, but they are not the same thing. Much of what the enemies of God are selling you as being Christian ideas that Jesus would agree with are not biblical at all and never have been, but by using language, they have fooled Christians into believing in anti-biblical concepts and supporting them.
My hope is that this piece is the first step in unraveling the psycho-spiritual-dialectical warfare that has plagued the western Christian for decades now. Look forward to more posts about how the evil one uses dialectics to bring confusion into the body of Christ and cause division and compromise among Christians and Christian leaders.
Before this piece ends, I want to confess this over you, a follower of Jesus Christ: YOU ARE PART OF A HOLY LINEAGE THAT WILL NEVER DIE.