On Earth as it is in Heaven A man's agreement is his weapon Let the scepter of the Lord be established on the Earth Let the Righteous man know what he's worth Breath of Glory be upon you, Son By the reach of His right hand, you know that you have won Heart of Honor be upon you, Daughter No one can hinder the flood of His Living Waters Let the royal diadem be placed upon the the bride's head Let her crown announce righteousness to the Land's dead Let the precession of the Trumpets release their cry Let heaven and earth celebrate the bride's choice to die In Christ, her triumph over death was secure Yet she took up her cross abiding in the bridegroom's cure All of heaven has longed for this day Let all of creation bow down and say, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is filled with His Glory." On all flesh, His Holy Spirit is poured out Your Sons and your Daughters will prophesy without a doubt Old men will dream dreams Young men will see visions This generation has made its decision Ruach, Elohim! Ruach Elohim! Blow.
By: Kelsey Heirloom