In regards to the student loan crisis no one brings up the fault of bloated administration in college or how they hook impressionable kids into worthless degrees.
They're absolute schemers and somehow liberals only want to blame government and conservatives only will blame the individual
Yes! Since this post was a bit of a slight-of-hand thing, I chose not to list all the other issues that you are mentioning here, but you are correct! Those are major issues that never seem to come up in the mainstream conversation.
In regards to the student loan crisis no one brings up the fault of bloated administration in college or how they hook impressionable kids into worthless degrees.
They're absolute schemers and somehow liberals only want to blame government and conservatives only will blame the individual
Yes! Since this post was a bit of a slight-of-hand thing, I chose not to list all the other issues that you are mentioning here, but you are correct! Those are major issues that never seem to come up in the mainstream conversation.
Ahh, so that's why you were on hinge